

League of Women Voters Cupertino-Sunnyvale

Livable Sunnyvale


Santa Clara County Democratic Party

Sunnyvale Community Services

Sunnyvale Democratic Club

Sunnyvale Rotary Club


Ro Khanna, United States Representative

Otto Lee, Santa Clara County Supervisor/Former Mayor

Larry Klein, Mayor

Murali Srinivasan, Vice Mayor

Richard Mehlinger, Sunnyvale Councilmember, District 5

Russ Melton, Sunnyvale Councilmember, District 4

Linda Sell, Sunnyvale Councilmember, District 1

Jim Griffith, Former Sunnyvale Mayor

Melinda Hamilton, Former Sunnyvale Mayor

Gustav Larsson, Former Sunnyvale Councilmember

Tara Martin-Milius, Former Sunnyvale Councilmember

Isabel Jubes-Flamerich, Sunnyvale School Board Trustee

Eileen Le, Sunnyvale School Board Trustee

Michelle Maginot, Sunnyvale School Board Trustee

Nancy Newkirk, Sunnyvale School Board Trustee

Bridget Watson, Sunnyvale School Board Trustee

Reid Myers, Former Sunnyvale School Board Trustee

Jeff Moe, Fremont Union High School Board President

Rosa Kim, Fremont Union High School Board Trustee

Naomi Nakano-Matsumoto, Fremont Union High School Board Trustee


Kathy Besser

Paul Besser

Bill Bonnett

Mary Bradley

Charlsie Chang

Lin Chen

Galen Kim Davis, Sunnyvale Planning Commission Vice-Chair

Michelle Eugeni, Sunnyvale Education Foundation President

Richard Fulcher

Michael Gallagher, Sunnyvale School District Superintendent

AJ Goehle

Yael Hod, Library Board of Trustees

Meena Juttukonda, Library Board of Trustees

Molly Kauffman

Winnie Lam, City of Sunnyvale Arts Commissioner

Margaret Lawson, Livable Sunnyvale

Raymond Lee

Julia Liu, Livable Sunnyvale

Angelo Lopez

Leigh Odum, Owner of Leigh’s Favorite Books

Gil Ohana

Andrew Pagnon

Bruce Paton

Ben Picard, Former Sunnyvale School District Superintendent

Angela Rauch, Livable Sunnyvale

Mike Serrone, Livable Sunnyvale

Sue Serrone

Peggy Shen-Brewster, VP Sunnyvale Education Foundation

Wendy Silver

Ambrosia Studley

Agnes Veith, Livable Sunnyvale

Don Veith

David Vossbrink, Co-founder Leadership Sunnyvale

Sharlene Wang, Library Board of Trustees

*Titles, where listed, are for identification purposes only


This issue is personal for me as I grew up being non verbal and having to go to speech therapy. The local library was the place that I learned how to better communicate, to read and think critically. Had it not been for the library, I would’ve had a difficult time expressing myself growing up and not have the success that I have today.

I love that everyone is welcome at the library: pull up a chair, stay as long as you like! And there is so much more one can do at the library: start a business, form a club, check out all manner of tools for home projects – the list is endless. Sunnyvale has become a fairly large city; we need to invest in a new library to meet our growth and reflect all the ways technology has influenced our lives. Imagine a much bigger space that can accommodate more of the community at one time!